The Terminator film series is a science fiction franchise, consisting of the four films so far, about battles between humans and machines The machines are led by Skynet's artificially intelligent machine network, which try to defeat John Connor's Resistance forces in order to achieve its genocidal goals and conquer the worldTerminator Armour being equipped Needs Citation Terminator Armour or Tactical Dreadnought Armour is the toughest and most powerful form of personal armour humanity has ever developed, used in Terminator unitsTerminator Genisys (15) Terminator Dark Fate (19) Television Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles (08–09) About Terminator (franchise) The United States of The Terminator is presented as a nation fully in the grip of the Cold War, the fear of which leads to the development of an artificially intelligent defense
Terminator 3 Rise Of The Machines Film Terminator Wiki Fandom